What kind of footwear can I find in a Footzy Store?

Footzy is a family store. Thus, you would be able to find all types of footwear for men, women, kids, school and sports. We also offer vast varieties of accessories and foot care products. We request you to check out our stores for the latest in technology and Brands.

Can I buy Footzy shoe online?

Yes. Keeping in mind the importance ease of shopping online, we’re launched our new and updated website, where the consumer can not only view our catalogue but also make a purchase. In Addition to this, the website aims to be a window to the company and to essentially dispense information about the company, its products and stores to consumers.

How do I address any quality problem with Footzy shoes?

If you encounter any problem with our product, please refer to the store of purchase with the original cash memo. The store manager would be able to assist you.

How can I find out if a certain brand is available at Footzy store?

The Collections section offers a separate segment for Brands and Signature projects. You shall be able to view the list of stores retailing the stated brand.

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